SpeakerNet News Teleseminars

Boost Your Business
by Collecting Referrals and Testimonials

Caelan HuntressGuest Expert:

Caelan Huntress
(About Caelan)

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The Program:

Buyers want to know they are making the right decision when hiring you. The best way to make them confident in their decision is to provide social proof — testimonials.

The easiest sale you can make make is when you receive a referral. Clients who are referred to you have a 70% higher chance of closing than a cold lead, so collecting referrals is the easiest way to close more business, right?

How often do you ask your customers for referrals? Do you have a standard process in place for collecting testimonials?

It’s a strange paradox: the most profitable questions we can ask in our business are also the ones that we fear to ask the most. Asking for referrals and testimonials can be smooth and easy, *if* you script and practice what to ask in advance.

By deciding on the precise moment in the customer journey when you will ask for referrals and testimonials, you can collect them like clockwork.

Caelan guides you through a simple process to collect referrals and testimonials, so you can gain more clients and elevate your reputation.

You will learn:

  • The most expensive questions you can ask
  • Why we fear to sell ourselves
  • Statistics on trust and buyer behavior
  • Asking for referrals is like gardening a plot of land
  • Scripting and practicing your questions
  • The proper point of the customer journey
  • Statistics on margin, churn, and retention of referred customers
  • Planning the conversation
  • Starting a relationship with referrals
  • Collecting testimonials through interviews
  • 6-question interview progression
  • Covering a body of work with your testimonials
  • Case studies documenting your work

More about our guest expert:

Caelan Huntress is an American digital nomad living in New Zealand, and has spent ten years running an online business while traveling the world with his young family. Caelan is a website designer, copywriter, and sales strategist who specializes in creating sales funnels and online courses for bestselling authors, business coaches, and professional public speakers.


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