SpeakerNet News Compilations

Resources for Sales Reps

Bill Conerly

I recently asked for resources for my new sales representative, who knows sales but is not familiar with the speaking industry. Here’s what SNN readers suggested (minus the submissions from those who didn’t read the part about her already knowing sales).

— Rebecca Morgan

SNN teleseminars are a great way for someone to get up to speed on the industry, including those by Lois Creamer, and Steve Waterhouse and Terri Sjodin. www.SpeakerNetNews.com

— Derek Perkins

Set up, in conjunction with your sales rep, a system of planning, measuring and monitoring their activity and the results that result from it.

— Camille Kooi

I am the sales person for a handful of speakers for the past 3 years and I am happy to share some tips:

  1. When it comes to prospecting, please don’t expect her/him to qualify leads in the beginning of your relationship. Although this person may be an experienced sales person, the speaking business industry is unique.
  2. Let her listen to you on the phone to learn your lingo.
  3. Give her a script to follow with all the questions you would want answers to in order to qualify a lead.
  4. Work your database to get more bookings and referrals instead of cold calling.
  5. Give her a range of negotiables so she feels she has some autonomy when selling on your behalf.

As for resources that have been proven to be great: your current database, referrals from clients, referrals from other speakers.

— Rachel Colic

— Maria Mullen and Marsha Egan

Speak and Grow Rich by Dottie Walters

— Jan Carothers

I absolutely vote for Jane Atkinson’s new book called “The Wealthy Speaker.” Great Web site and terrific up-to-date book. I think it will be the new Speak and Grow Rich, and really good for experienced speakers as well as staff people.

— Rosemarie Rosetti

My assistant purchased the notebook “Working Smart, not Hard!” from Lois Creamer and an audio CD. This has scripts and sample letters/emails. There is a section on working with speaker bureaus and how to get organized. This material really motivated her and gave her direction. She gave the notebook to me to read and I keep it handy to review. Great advice!

SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions