About the Editors/Publishers
Rebecca L. Morgan, CSP, CMC, CVP, VMP (Rebecca@RebeccaMorgan.com)
- Partnering with companies to develop and implement creative strategic workforce effectiveness solutions
- Board member, National Speakers Association
- Author of
TurboTime: Maximizing Your Results Through Technology
Life’s Lessons: Insights and Information for a Richer Life
Calming Upset Customers
Professional Selling: Practical Secrets for Successful Sales
Inspiring Others to Win (contributing author)
Best Practices in Customer Service (contributing author)
Sales Coach II (contributing author) - Featured in/on 60 Minutes, The Oprah Winfrey Show, National Public Radio, USA Today, Home Office Computing, Presentations Magazine, and Sales & Marketing Management
- Distributor for Crisp Publications, and Inscape Publishing
- www.rebeccamorgan.com
Ken Braly (ken@kenb.com)
- Speaker and consultant on information and technology
- Past president, Northern California Chapter, National Speakers Association
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions