SpeakerNet News Intensives

Storytelling Secrets from the Masters

The Program:

Enthralling speakers interweave captivating stories into their key points. What are the nuances that determine an entrancing story and a boring one? How can you craft your stories to make your points — and you — more memorable?

Three master storytellers tell their secrets to ensuring stories are memorable and engaging. Each has a different slant on the topic so hear their ideas and adapt them to your style.

The following three SNN teleseminar programs are included, in MP3 format. Click on their titles to see their individual descriptions for more details of each.

Emory Austin Digging for the Treasures in Your Stories
with Emory Austin, CSP, CPAE
Jon Schwartz Add Oomph to Your Stories by Bringing the Characters Alive
with Jon Schwartz, a.k.a. Vinny Verelli
Doug Stevenson Creating Emotional Triggers to Make Your Stories Memorable
with Doug Stevenson

How to order:

Get all three programs, in MP3 format, for only $34.


Additional resources for this intensive:

Be sure to download this after you order:

About the SNN Intensives Series:

Find out about other intensives we are offering.

SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions