SpeakerNet News Intensives

Securing Sponsors for Your Presentations

The Program:

In a perfect world, you would have someone pay you handsomely to present to dozens of events each year. You would just put the engagements on your calendar, show up, speak, and collect your fee. No marketing for every presentation.

Does this really happen? Yes, it does. But it’s not easy to obtain such lucrative contracts. You have to know what you’re doing, what to ask for, and what to avoid.

These three experts have different perspectives on sponsorships, from large contracts to mini-sponsors. You’ll learn from each one.

Nancy Michaels Attracting and Retaining Corporate Sponsorship
with Nancy Michaels
Vickie Sullivan Getting Big-Fee Speaking Engagements from Sponsors
with Vickie Sullivan
Rosalind Sedacca Generate New Revenue by Securing Mini-Sponsors
with Rosalind Sedacca

How to order:

Get all three programs, in MP3 format, for only $34.


Additional resources for this intensive:

Be sure to download these after you order:

About the SNN Intensives Series:

Find out about other intensives we are offering.

SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions